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The Baldies' Survival Guide

Extent: 144 pages

Size: 144x144mm

Publication Date:

Price: £9.99

ISBN: 9781843172628


About the Book

Do you find that it takes longer and longer to wash your face each morning? Do people turn away as if blinded by the glare from your head when the sun comes out? Have you become surgically attached to your baseball cap? Then, my friend, it's time for you to face up to the fact that your hair and you are no longer inseparable. – But have no fear, The Baldies' Survival Guide is a welcome call to arms for anyone who has suffered ridicule for their combover or started to think of Danny DeVito as a role model. This book will help you say no to Rogaine and hello to being a Shiny Happy Person. Remember, say it loud: 'I'm bald and proud!'

About the Author

Tim Collins is originally from Manchester, but now lives near Oxford. He is the author of over thirty books including Wimpy Vampire, Cosmic Colin, Dorkius Maximus and Sherlock Bones. His books have been translated into over 30 languages and he has won awards in the UK and Germany, including the Manchester Fiction City award and the Lincolnshire Young People's Book Award.